自從皮索那時入手下手,數個世紀以來針對猶太人的屠殺從未停過翻譯比來一次的大搏鬥真正産生的原因也一向不為人所知,當他們獲得究竟的時候,猶太人務需要識破皮索的故事,而且奮力頑抗其一手培養的反猶主義——他們一樣必需認識基督教真實的誕生進程。 The writings of Flavius Josephus are available in most Christian bookstores in the translation by William Whiston, which is now published by Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49501. Christians respect Josephus because his writings contain the earliest non-New Testament mention of Jesus (Whiston’s translation, Antiq. XVIII.3(3); Loeb Classical Library translation, Antiq. XVIII.63-64). Josephus’ writings are also available in the more scholarly but more expensive nine small-volume edition published by the Loeb Classical Library. 弗拉維奧・約瑟夫斯的著作在大部分的基督徒書店裡都可以買到,此中威廉・威斯頓的譯版目前是由密歇根州大激流城的克雷格爾出版社出書,書目編號是49501號翻譯基督徒尊敬約瑟夫斯,因為他的作品包括了最早提及耶穌的非《新約》證據(威斯頓譯版《猶泰初史》,XVIII.3(3);洛布古典圖書館譯版《猶遠古史》,XVIII.63-64)。 1 .- Fackenheim翻譯社 Emil L., The Jewish Return to History etc., Schocken Books, NY, 1978 1. L・埃米爾・法肯海姆《重返歷史的猶太人》,蕭肯出書社,紐約,1978年 Commitment to Jewish survival has recently been wisely urged as the answer to the recent Holocaust翻譯社 and the 614th commandment.1 1 But in addition, when Jews know and remember why this and all the other holocausts occurred翻譯社 will this truth, in the words of John 8.32, in fact make them free. Free--of Piso’s story! ____________________ New Testament quotations are from the following editions: New American Standard Bible New Testament Reference Edition翻譯社 Foundation Press Publications/The Lokman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. 1963. The Interlinear Greek-English New Testament, The Nestle Greek Text with a Literal English Translation, Second Edition, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich. 1972. FOOTNOTES 《猶太前賢》總計有613條誡命。 Since Piso’s day翻譯社 each few centuries have seen repeated holocausts against Jews. And herein possibly lies a meaning from the recent Holocaust. Jews can only be free of Piso’s story and of the AntiSemitism it has fostered翻譯社 when they acquire POSitive PERception—insight into the creation of Christianity. Only with that knowledge can they effectively struggle against attempts to eliminate them physically by holocausts or spiritually by craftiness and guile (II Cor. 12.16). 備註 The citations and quotations from the ancient writers herein are from the Loeb Classical Library editions of their works. These include Flavius Josephus翻譯社 Pliny the Younger, Valerius Martial, L. Annaeus Seneca, Virgil翻譯社 Philo翻譯社 Tacitus翻譯社 Suetonius翻譯社 Juvenal, Dio Cassius翻譯社 Plutarch, Dio Chrysostom, Historia Augusta, Apostolic Fathers. The Loeb Classical Library are printed in England by William Heinemann Lid, and distributed through co-publisher, the Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. These can be ordered through general bookstores. 對猶太人倖存下來的許諾最近被明智的作為對大搏鬥和第614條誡命的回覆(註1)。但除此之外,當猶太人熟悉到並記住此次和其它大屠殺事實為什麼會産生的時刻,這個真相,猶如《約翰》8:32所言,就是能夠解放他們的真谛——那就是認清皮索的故事的真相! XI. THE TRUTH MAKES FREE-- IT IS NOT INCUMBENT UPON YOU TO FINISH THE WORK翻譯社 YET YOU ARE NOT FREE TO DESIST FROM IT " (Pirkei Avoth II.21). XI. 真谛的解放——翻譯公司並沒有義務要去完成這份工作,但你一樣也沒有自由去謝絕它”(《列祖遺訓》II.21) The Chazal totaled the commandments at 613. They were willing to use 600 inconspicuously as part of the total. But they openly used the number 13 in order to show their deliberate rejection of 14 and of Piso whomit represented. 本書對古代作家的引述都是援用自洛布古典藏書樓的譯版。洛布古典圖書館的作品在英國是由威廉・海涅曼出書社翻印,其配合出書社還有哈佛大學出書社,劍橋出書社和馬薩諸塞出版社。這些作品包孕約瑟夫斯、小普林尼、馬提亞爾、塞內卡、維吉爾、斐洛、塔西陀、蘇埃托尼烏斯、尤維納利斯、卡西烏斯・狄奧、普魯塔克、狄奧・克里梭斯坦、《羅馬帝王紀》和那些初期教父。這些著作都可以在一般的書店裡買到翻譯
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